Storm Prediction Center worked with various NWS offices, social scientists, communication specialists, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecasters, and the general public to produce charts below.
[Storm Prediction Center thunderstorm outlook enhancements go live]
Susan Jasko, a professor of communication at California University in Pennsylvania who provided feedback on this effort thinks the graphic is visually clean which will help people get accustomed to the language of NWS Storm Prediction Center.
In particular, I like about this graphic:
* It describes the various thunderstorm risk levels and the hazards associated with them, all in one place.
* It ranks the risk levels according to numbers on a 1-5 scale in a similar manner to hurricanes. This is helpful for quickly and simply communicating the severity of the thunderstorm risk.
* The colors in the graphic correspond with the colors used to convey risk in severe weather outlook maps
* The graphic provides a sense for the coverage and duration of thunderstorms associated with the different risk levels

Weekly Net Protocol
The Alexandria Radio Club conducts an emergency net every Thursday on the 147.315 (+) MHz repeater every Thursday, 8:00 PM. The net is part of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic System. All stations are welcome! You do not need to be a member of the club to join in.
Other Area Nets
This listing is provided as a courtesy and may not be current. You are encouraged to contact the host organizations for further information.
6 Meter Net
The unofficial NV6net meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM on 52.51 FM.
The Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club ARES net meets on Tuesday 7:OO PM on MVARC’s repeater: 146.655 (-) MHz (tone 141.3).
NVFMA Bulletin
The Northern Virginia FM Association’s weekly bulletin is on Wednesday at 8:00 PM on 146.790 (-) and 224.1 (-) MHz.
Fairfax County ARES Net
The Fairfax County ARES net meets on Wednesday at 8:10 PM (immediately after the NVFMA Bulletin) on 146.790 (-) and MHz.
The Quarter Century Wireless Association net meets on Sunday at 9:00 AM on 146.790 (-) MHz. Rag Chew / Q + A.
The National Capital ARES Council net meets on Sunday at 9:00 PM on 146.910 (-) MHz. This net is for the purpose of disseminating information relating to upcoming ARES/RACES activities, public service events and drill, and training opportunities.
Northern Virginia Net
The net meets every night at 7:30 PM on 147.300 (+) Mhz (146.2 PL) – the Bluemont repeater. This is a directed net and a training net, passing traffic into and out of the Northern Virginia area. Giving new net controls a chance to try it out is an important goal.
The Vienna Wireless Society conducts three weekly nets:
1. Monday Night Net
Mondays at 8:00 PM on 146.685 (-) MHz as an informal roundtable discussion.
2. Digital Net
Tuesdays at 8:00 PM on 3.578 MHz upper sideband PSK31 with a 1.5 KHz offset in the audio passband. May move +/- around in-progress contacts.
3. 10m Pow-Wow Net
Thursdays at 8:30 PM on approximately 28.444 MHz upper sideband as an informal round-table discussion just like the Monday Night Net. On the first Thursdays of the month they often use AM just for fun.