Alexandria Radio Club
Founded in 1954, the Alexandria Radio Club takes pride in our service to the community. Through our Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) section, we serve the City of Alexandria during emergencies. We also provide radio and digital communications support for the George Washington Birthday parade and the Marine Corps Marathon. The Alexandria Radio Club is an affiliated club with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR).
The Club meets the second Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Alexandria City’s new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Community Room at 3600 Wheeler Avenue AT intersection of Duke Street and Quaker Lane. Public Parking in front of EOC building. WARNING: Do NOT park on Wheeler Avenue, as the City’s ticketing protocol applies. TALK-IN on 147.315 repeater.
Open to everyone.
Club Equipment
Our club operates repeaters on the following frequencies:
147.315 (PL 107.2), 444.6 (PL107.2), 224.82 (PL107.2), 53.13 (PL107.2) 927.6 (-25Mhz, PL107.2), and 1282.600 (PL 107.2), DSTAR 145.38Mhz, 442.060, and 1284.600
SPECIAL NOTE: DMR IS UP AND RUNNING 442.4125 +5Mhz Color Code 1.
(A repeater is a device that regenerates radio signals to allow for greater geographic coverage.) Besides the public service activities outlined above, our club’s expertise includes satellite communications, digital transmissions, and equipment repair.
Communications Trailer
In 2005, the club purchased a new 12 foot enclosed trailer. With public donations and through our membership’s labor, the trailer is now available as a mobile Communications Center. The first deployment of the trailer was in support of the 2005 Marine Corps Marathon.

Field Day
Each June, we participate in the ARRL sanctioned Field Day where we set up our emergency equipment and operate “off the grid” for 24 hours to help prepare for an actual emergency.
Twice a year we conduct entry level and advanced classes to help those interested in amateur radio become licensed and on the air. Classes are usually held one day a week at the Alexandria City’s new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Community Room at 3600 Wheeler Avenue AT intersection of Duke Street and Quaker Lane. Public Parking in front of EOC building. Classes usually begin in February and October depending on room availability. Morse code training is available, even though Morse code is not a requirement for the entry level Technician License.
The Club prides itself on providing technical help when necessary in friendly learning environment. Whether you need help troubleshooting a rig or have organized an antenna party, club members always lend a willing hand.
From time to time, members carpool to area hamfests to buy, sell, or just explore what’s both new and old in the world of ham radio.
The club is very social with members gathering for dinner on Monday and Friday nights. On club meeting nights, a pre-meeting dinner (5:30 pm) is at Atlantis Restaurant located in the Bradlee Shopping Center (3648 King St. between Seminary Rd, and Rt 7. Please consider joining us.
Most community service events will find members getting together after for lunch.